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New Phaser Editor 2D pricing


Today I'm announcing the new pricing for Phaser Editor 2D. Back in January 2021, I decided to lower the prices of the editor as a strategy for generating more income and making it accessible to more users. Two years later, this is the result: the monthly average income is practically the same. The editor's users augmented twice, and it makes me happy. The Phaser Editor 2D Backers membership was a success. Especially the Enterprise tier. I'm very grateful to all the early adopters of this tier.

I develop the editor full-time, but in these two years, I did some client work with two goals: getting more resources & getting more experience as a user of the editor making commercial games.

For 2023, I want to focus completely on the editor. I think this will be a great year for Phaser and also for the editor. However, I should keep looking for ways to generate more income, and the pricing of the editor is one of them.

Making the editor accessible to more users is always a concern of mine. For that reason, in the next update of the editor (v3.36.1, which is already available), I move the limit of files allowed in the free version from 70 to 200.

So, the new pricing:

  • Phaser Editor 2D free plan: allows projects with a max of 200 files (before was 70).
  • Phaser Editor 2D Lifetime License: $75 (before was $39.99) Phaser Editor 2D Backers membership: $4/mo (before was $2).

IMPORTANT! In all cases, if you purchased a Phaser Editor 2D Lifetime License with the previous prices, you don't need to purchase a new one. If you are already a member of the Phaser Editor 2D Backers membership, you will keep paying the same monthly price you subscribed to ($2/mo).

If you are an early adopter of the editor, maybe you remember the initial price of the Lifetime License was $75, so what I'm doing is rolling back the changes I introduced in 2021.

I know the best way of getting a more profitable editor is to make it better and more visible. I will work on it too, and for the new year is coming, as I said, I want to focus full-time on the development of the editor but also on releasing learning materials. Probably you noticed I'm reviving the Phaser Editor 2D YouTube channel. I did a Making your first Phaser game video series. I plan to record more videos.

I hope the new Free plan will help more users to adopt the editor. I also created a new service, the Phaser Editor 2D License Manager. It is a system for organizations & businesses. Someone with access to this system can generate & manage the licenses of the organization. I will make a post soon only for announcing this new service. I think it is going to be the right solution not only for businesses, else any other kind of organization like educational institutions.

Keep in touch!

