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Phaser Editor v1.4.4 released


Today we are release the v1.4.4 of Phaser Editor. This is a minor release we did for bug fixes and some small but nice features or changes.

Bug fixes


The transformation icons now are blue, like the other icons related to the Canvas objects:

Transformation icons

The selection box now uses a solid stroke and a shadow, to make it more visible. In addition, it shows the name of the selected object:

New selection box style

The scale tool now shows a handler in all the directions:

Scale tools

The Animations dialog allows multiple selection of the frames, so now you can reorder (or delete) a couple of them at the same time:

Animations dialog: select multiple frames

Projects wizard

Both Phaser Project and Phaser Example Project wizard now include the options to select the Working Set of the project. A Working Set groups the projects into the Project Explorer so you can filter large workspaces and better focus on a task.

Select working set

To configure the Working Sets of the Project Explorer click on the Select Working Set... menu option:

Configure Working Sets

We recommend to create Working Sets of type Resources.

The Phaser Example Project now uses as default name for the project the name of the selected example:

Phaser Example Project default name

The Phaser Project templates without assets now uses a text object in the scenes. This makes easier to clear the scenes and start the real ones.

Hello world scenes

Go Into

Go Into is a command that creates a frame or scope in the Project Explorer. This allows the user to show only a specific folder in the Project Explorer. For example, if you are working only n certain levels, you can Go Into the containing folder so you will get quick access to that scenes.

go Into command


Improved the sprite-sheet preview labels. They are yellow now:

Sprite-sheet preview

The atlas preview shows the frames sorted by names:

Atlas preview, sorted sprites

We hope this is the last release of 2017 (unless blocking issues forces a new one). We wish a happy new year for all of you!

If you missed it, read the Phaser Editor development roadmap for 2018.
